Category Archives: Flashback Friday

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, puppy, puparazzi

The Beginning of the Puparazzi


dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, puppy, puparazzi

I’ve always been a shutterbug, taking hundreds of pictures on every vacation. So I was totally expecting that I would want to take lots of pictures when I brought home my first puppy. But I underestimated myself. I LOVE taking pictures of Sadie. She is always doing something new or looking especially cute, making me want to immortalize every moment. Sadie learned very quickly that Mommy likes to take lots of pictures. She knows the sound of my camera turning on. She knows the sound my camera makes when it focuses. Sadie knows that it’s safe to go about her business doing whatever she wants until she hears that focus sounds. That sound means the Puparazzi are about to flash bright lights in her eyes or try to force her to stay still and look in a certain direction. She will look at me, all happy and smiling, until my camera focuses. Then at just the right moment Sadie knows to turn away or close her eyes to ruin my picture. This photo is one of the first examples of my adorable little puppy giving the Puparazzi the evil eye.


This post is part of Rascal and Rocco‘s Pet Parade blog hop.

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dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, bean bag chair, puppy

Sadie Meets the Bean Bag Chair

When Sadie was about three months old I came home from a shopping trip with a bean bag chair. I thought it would be perfect for sitting close to the floor to play with my new puppy. I also thought Sadie might enjoy sleeping in its squishy depths. So here are a few photos from that day, when I introduced Sadie to the bean bag chair for the first time.

At first Sadie wondered what the heck was this strange object I just placed her on top of.

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, bean bag chair, puppy
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dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, bathrobe, puppy

The Bathrobe

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, bathrobe, puppy
When I was little, my Grandmother used to yell at me for going outside with my hair wet, and I would just laugh. But now that I have Sadie, I can understand. I’m always worried about her being cold, especially after a bath. She has this disturbing tendency to stay sitting in a draft or cold area, even when she is so cold she’s shivering. That’s why during one of my binge online shopping sessions for awesome dog items I never knew existed, I bought my new puppy a bathrobe. That’s right – my little princess has a princess bathrobe. I thought it was absolutely adorable and couldn’t wait for her to wear it and keep toasty warm after a bath. Turns out Sadie was not so excited, as you can see here by her dirty looks. She hates being cold and wet, but apparently a bathrobe was not a welcome solution to the problem.

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, bathrobe, puppy
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Toy Box or Box Toy

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, toy box, dog toys

When I was daydreaming about getting my first puppy, I made a list of all the things I wanted to teach her. Towards the top of the list was putting her toys away into their box. Well two years later we still haven’t figured that one out. But I’ve been trying to teach her since the first week Sadie’s lived with me. These photos come from the day I introduced Sadie to her first toy box. I couldn’t convince her to put toys in the box, but she was happy to put herself into it. She also thought it made a pretty tasty chew toy.
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dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo foot, socks

I Wonder What This Tastes Like…

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, socks, foot
On this Flashback Friday I remember the day my inquisitive little puppy decided to perform a taste test… on a foot. Her Grandfather was sitting on the couch, wiggling his foot around, and the temptation was too great for my puppy to resist. I love how the series of pictures shows Sadie’s thought process. Continue reading