Unfortunately for me, Sadie has figured out where I keep new toys that I haven’t given to her yet. At some point every day I can usually find Sadie sitting in front of the closet door, wishing that it would open and the new toys would jump out. If she sees me go near the closet, she runs over and looks expectantly from me to the closet, waiting for me to get her a toy. If I don’t immediately comply, Sadie grumbles, whines, and even barks at me to open the door and give up the toys. Sometimes I give in, but mostly I just ignore her in the futile hope that she’ll understand that she doesn’t get a new toy every time I go into the closet.
But Sadie’s latest attempt to convince me that she deserved a new toy had me laughing hysterically. I hadn’t heard a peep out of Sadie for like an hour, so I went looking to see what she was up to. I found her sitting in front of THE closet. As soon as she heard me coming around the corner, she jumped up, wagged her tail at me, and squeaked the toy in her mouth. She made some more happy noises, then looked from me to the closet door a few times, as if she was saying “well aren’t you going to open the door?” When I didn’t move toward the door, she started barking at me to get a move on. But her barking came out all cute and muffled by the squeaky ball in her mouth. So basically she was begging me to get her a new toy while squeaking the toy already in her mouth. When I walked in the opposite direction of the closet she started whining and giving me the sad deprived puppy eyes. It’s kind of hard to pull off the sad deprived puppy act when you never stop squeaking the ball already in your mouth.