dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, puppy, sleepy puppy, cute puppy pictures

Separation Anxiety – Flashback Friday #8


Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate the love!


dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, puppy, sleepy puppy, cute puppy pictures

 Like most dogs, Sadie hates being alone. In this flashback photo my sleepy puppy Sadie and I are literally joined at the hip (as I write this Sadie is once again curled up against my hip, fast asleep). We are very lucky to be able to stay together most of the time, as Sadie comes to work with me everyday. But there are times when she must be in the house alone. And to her it doesn’t matter if it’s five minutes or five hours, any time alone is far too long.

As with most of Sadie’s issues, it’s not hyperactivity or destructive behavior I worry about when she’s alone; it’s inaction. When I leave Sadie home alone she goes up to her window seat to watch me leave, and then won’t move again until I come home. No matter how long I’m gone, she will not go to the bathroom (I leave pads out for her of course), she will not drink water, and she will not eat, no matter what kind of food I leave for her. If a friend or family member checks on Sadie when I have to be gone all day, she still refuses to eat, drink, or, pee. She will greet the person, all happy and excited to see them, but then return to her vigil at the window when the greeting is done. Her mommy is not home safe yet, so she cannot relax and tend to her own needs or be bothered with other people. I’m glad that I can trust she won’t get into trouble while I’m gone, but I wore about her wellbeing. If I leave in the winter, she will wait at that window no matter how cold it gets. I make sure to put blankets on her before I leave, but what if they fall off? I have nightmares of Sadie shivering and shaking from the cold, gazing sadly out the window waiting for me to return.
I know that to deal with separation anxiety I’m supposed to gradually lengthen the amount of time I leave her alone, showing her that it’s ok if I’m gone because I always come back. And I have tried that method, starting from when she was a puppy. But if I left for ten minutes or thirty minutes or two hours, Sadie always sat there and stared at the door until I returned. And when I get back she goes nuts, shrieking and crying and barking, as if asking how I could put her through that, like she feels I abandoned her. And so I take her with me everywhere I possibly can, because I can’t stand the idea of her sitting alone in the window, feeling sad and abandoned.
This post is part of the #WoofSupport blog hop.

Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate the love!


  1. I have never heard of separation anxiety manifesting itself in quite that way. I can see why it is so worrisome for you, I would feel the same way. I wish I had some answers for you, but I don’t. But I’ll keep an eye out for anyone else that might have similar issues. Be sure you read Oz’s post…the trainer we are getting to run some online courses might be a help in this instance.
    Thanks so much for joining our hop!
    Jan K recently posted…#WOOF Support – Tools We’re TryingMy Profile

  2. Aw, poor Sadie. That’s one of the reasons why I never wanted to have just one dog (though I might’ve taken it a bit far with seven); having other dogs around for company makes it easier for them to focus on something other than our absence. And still there’s always the dog that waits by the door for you to come back. My boyfriend reports that when I’m gone three of my dogs refuse to budge from the gate where they last saw me. Not even for treats. Which is heartbreaking. I do hope you figure out a way to help Sadie feel more comfortable with your absence.
    Guilie @ Life In Dogs
    Guilie Castillo recently posted…Yes, we’re still alive… #WOOFSupport ReportMy Profile

  3. What a heartbreaking image! I hate seeing my dogs’ forlorn faces through the window when I leave in the morning. It must be awful to know that she looks like that all day. I don’t blame you for taking her with you as much as possible.
    Kari recently posted…WOOF! Handler ErrorMy Profile

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