dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, pets, blog, photography, umbrella

U is for Umbrella – #atozchallenge

Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate the love!
dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, pets, blog, photography, umbrella

I took this picture on the day that Sadie first discovered umbrellas. I don’t typically use an umbrella, preferring to just dash in and out of the car or house. Plus it’s just too much to juggle with my purse and Sadie on her leash.
But on this particular day I needed to run to the store in the pouring rain, and since I was leaving Sadie home during my errand, I decided to bring my umbrella. When I got home I left the umbrella open in the hallway to dry like I usually do. A few minutes later the hallway erupts with barks and growls and I run in to find Sadie confronting the unfamiliar object that’s invading her territory. So naturally I grab my camera and sit down to watch what she’s going to do next. At first it was lots of barking and kicking back her legs, trying to claim her territory. Once she saw that the umbrella wasn’t responding to her intimidation tactics, she felt confident enough to inch closer and begin sniffing it. And that’s when someone shut the door to another room, creating a draft that sent the umbrella rocking and scared the heck out of my dog. Of course I felt bad that she got scared, so I grabbed the umbrella and held it steady for her, showing her that it was safe to resume her sniffing. Soon Sadie’s confidence came back and she even stepped inside the overturned umbrella and sat down, allowing me to take the above picture. Then Sadie realized the umbrella could make a fun toy if you hit it and make it start rolling around on the floor. It was absolutely adorable to watch for a while, until the playing got rougher and my umbrella was in mortal danger and had to be taken away. I love seeing her overcome her fears like she did that day. I just wish her confidence didn’t come at the cost of a dead umbrella.

This post is part of the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge.

Check out Slimdoggy‘s blog hop below for other great pet blogs taking the challenge with me!

This post is part of the Thursday Barks and Bytes blog hop brought to you by 2 Brown Dawgs and Heart Like A Dog.


Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate the love!


  1. Thank you for joining the blog hop. What I love best about this post is how you let her confront the umbrella on her own, but when it got scary for her, you helped her work through it. The world needs more of this! AND you got a super cute photo in the process. :-0
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