Tag Archives: tissue boxes

dogs, designer dogs. yorkipoo, yorkie poo, tissue boxes, tower game

Tissue Box Tower


dogs, designer dogs. yorkipoo, yorkie poo, tissue boxes, tower game

As I looked around my living room last weekend, I noticed over a dozen tissue boxes lying on the floor. Before you start thinking I might be a secret hoarder, let me remind you that all of these tissue boxes belong to Sadie, as she uses them in her favorite game, Tissue Box Ball. She usually goes from box to box, playing with them one at a time. But on this particular day I decided to see if Sadie would like to play with all of her tissue boxes – at the same time. I took one of her squeaky balls and placed it in a random tissue box. Next I began stacking the tissue boxes one on top of the other to form a tower. Then I told Sadie to find her ball. She sniffed the tower, she barked at the tower, she ran from the tower, but eventually she worked up the courage to knock over the tower. After destroying several more towers throughout the weekend, Sadie perfected her method of handling a tissue box tower.
dogs, designer dogs. yorkipoo, yorkie poo, tissue boxes, tower game

Step one involves barking at the tower, hoping it will fall down on its own.
dogs, designer dogs. yorkipoo, yorkie poo, tissue boxes, tower game

Step two is to make sure the ball is actually hidden in the tower. Sadie would sniff the tower for the scent of her ball, and then sniff all over the rest of the living room just to make sure her ball wasn’t secretly hiding somewhere else.
dogs, designer dogs. yorkipoo, yorkie poo, tissue boxes, tower game

Step three involves more barking, while circling the tower and checking for weaknesses.
dogs, designer dogs. yorkipoo, yorkie poo, tissue boxes, tower game

dogs, designer dogs. yorkipoo, yorkie poo, tissue boxes, tower game

In step four Sadie actually hits the tower with her paw and then jumps back, knocking down the tissue boxes without getting hit by them.
dogs, designer dogs. yorkipoo, yorkie poo, tissue boxes, tower game

And finally, step five involves Sadie sniffing each fallen box looking for the one containing her beloved ball.
dogs, designer dogs. yorkipoo, yorkie poo, tissue boxes, tower game

You can see the whole game in action in Sadie’s Tissue Box Tower video:

This post is part of the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday blog hop.
