Tag Archives: bunny

Random Sadie Photos #20

Snuggly – #52Snapshots
This week’s #52Snapshots of Life theme is snuggly. In these photos, Sadie is all cute and snuggle with my stuffed bunny. This particular bunny was my favorite childhood stuffed animal. Not only did this bunny survive my childhood, including an accidental trip to a hotel laundry room, but it also survived Sadie’s puppyhood. As a puppy, Sadie considered all stuffed animals to be her toys and would routinely steal decorative stuffed animals from around the house. Somehow Sadie realized that this bunny was different, special. Even at four months old Sadie wanted to snuggle with this bunny, not eat or destroy it. And she still loves a bunny snuggle to this day.
This post is part of The Lazy Pit Bull‘s 52 Snapshots of Life Challenge.

Happy Easter 2015!