dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, mischief, tissue

L is for Little – #atozchallenge

Like this post for a Sadie flashback surprise!

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, tissue, mischief, puppy


dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, mischief, tissue

Sadie is a small dog. People often call her munchkin, peanut, little one, and many other diminutive nicknames. Because of her size, Sadie often gets away with more mischief than a larger dog. A common phrase in my household is “if you were a bigger dog we couldn’t allow this, but since you’re so little…”  Or “you really shouldn’t do that, but you’re just so little and cute…”
Take her preemptive growling that I discussed in last week’s post, G is for Growl. If a large dog growled at me like that, I would be afraid to put my hand near its mouth to remove whatever forbidden item it was chewing on. But with my little Sadie, I just stick my hand right in her mouth, no matter how angry with me she seems. Another example is her tissue destruction pictured above. I think it’s kind of cute when Sadie begs me for a tissue, then excitedly begins tearing it to shreds. If something as simple as a tissue brings her such joy, how can I resist? But if Sadie were a bigger dog, her tissue obsession could easily become a problem. It would not be so cute to find garbage cans knocked over, contents spilled all over the floor in search of tissues. My little Sadie just gives me a dirty look every time I throw away a tissue, like she’s saying “Why did you waste it? I could have played with that!”


This post is part of the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge.

Check out Slimdoggy‘s blog hop below for other great pet blogs taking the challenge with me.

This post is part of the Mischief Monday blog hop.

Snoopy's Dog Blog



Like this post for a Sadie flashback surprise!

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, tissue, mischief, puppy



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