dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, sleepy

Territory Invasion

Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate all the love!


dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, sleepy

Sadie’s territory was invaded this weekend by guests from out of town. At first she was shy around so many new people and kept hiding behind my legs and jumping into my arms. Then she got curious and started cautiously sniffing around everyone’s feet. She would walk towards someone, plant her back paws in safe territory, then creep forward with her front paws until she was stretched out as far as she could go and sniffed as much of the person as she could reach that way. After a while it became clear that these people weren’t leaving anytime soon, so Sadie decided to trust the new person sitting closest to her and presented him with one of her squeaky toys. From then on she had a blast, playing and chasing her toys and running after anyone who tried to walk out of the room. She even showed off a few of her best tricks to entertain everybody. Now that our guests have gone and the house is quiet, Sadie has passed out on the couch from the overload of excitement.


Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate all the love!

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