dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, shampoo, bath, dog bath

I Love My Dog Shampoo!

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, shampoo, bath, dog bath


Let me start this out by saying that I was always perfectly happy with Sadie’s current shampoo. I’ve tried many brands, but someone in the family usually had an issue with the smell or some allergen relating to other shampoos. So I’ve always just stuck to the same puppy shampoo I’ve used on her since day one, with no plans to change brands. Until now. After trying I Love My Dog shampoo by Lovely Fresh I’ve realized that I was just settling for any old shampoo. But not anymore. From now on Sadie will be using I Love My Dog Shampoo during every bath.


Basic facts:

  • All natural
  • Uses neem oil and oatmeal to soothe sensitive skin
  • A 17oz bottle costs $14.95 on Amazon
  • Made in the USA!
  • 100% money back satisfaction guarantee


dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, bath, shampoo, dog grooming

As everyone knows, you want to get your pet’s bath over as quickly as possible, because bath time is typically not fun for you or your pets. Using I Love My Dog Shampoo actually cut Sadie’s bath time in half. The shampoo began to lather extremely quickly, coating Sadie in suds in no time. With other shampoos I usually have to go back and get more out of the bottle to make sure Sadie’s coat is thoroughly covered, but with I Love My Dog Shampoo one dollop was more than enough.


dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, bath, shampoo, dog grooming


After massaging the shampoo into her fur, I grabbed the shower head and took a few of the photos you see here. It was a bit tricky trying to hold the camera, snap pictures, and spray Sadie with the water, so I gave up after only a couple of minutes. When I put the camera down and focused again on finishing Sadie’s bath, I couldn’t believe the shampoo had mostly been rinsed out of her fur already. Normally it takes me a good five minutes or more to get shampoo completely out of Sadie’s fur because I tend to use quite a lot, but the I Love My Dog Shampoo rinsed out in the time it took me to take a few photos.


dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, bath, shampoo, dog grooming


Once Sadie was finally all dried off, the first thing I noticed was that she feels amazingly soft. And not only does my dog feel super soft, but so do my hands. An unexpected benefit of this shampoo is that it left my hands feeling soft and moisturized for the rest of the day. This shampoo is perfect for all skin and coat types, and is mild enough to nourish even sensitive skin.


dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, bath, shampoo, dog grooming


The next thing I noticed was the pleasant smell. When using the shampoo it only has a light, citrusy scent. The scent is even lighter once Sadie was dry, leaving her smelling simply fresh and clean. This was important to me, as I mentioned earlier that my family has had issues with the strong scents of other shampoos myself and the groomer have used on Sadie. This shampoo is not simply covering up odors with perfume, it’s actually giving your dogs a deep cleanse that leaves them looking and smelling great for days (or maybe weeks, but you’ll probably never know since your dog will most likely get themselves dirty again by then, lol).


Find out more about I Love My Dog Shampoo on their website, You can get your own bottle for $14.95 from Amazon.


dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, shampoo, bath, dog grooming


 This post is part of the Thursday Barks and Bytes blog hop hosted by 2 Brown Dawgs and Heart Like A Dog.


Thursday Barks And Bytes

This post is also part of the Thoughtless Thursday blog hop hosted by Ruckus the Eskie, Love Is Being Owned By a Husky, and M.K. Clinton.


I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. I love when my dogs smell fresh and clean, but like you I usually have to rinse really well. Since S&D are labradors their coats take a bit of shampoo to get them clean (they are designed to repel water after all LOL). BTW, Sadie does not look impressed with the bath at all. LOL

    Thanks for joining the blog hop.

  2. Great review! Looks like a shampoo we should try. The current one we use is an all-natural one that also has an oatmeal element, but 1) it is in bar form as opposed to liquid, so a little less convenient, and 2) it doesn’t quite achieve that “super-soft feeling,” which is very refreshing and desired. A “must-try,” looks like.
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